
Development / Design » Alpha testing » Beta testing » Release

The game is currently in the Development / Design phase.

Community links

Greyvar on Discord

Greyvar on Facebook

Greyvar on YouTube

Development links

Greyvar on Gamedev.net

Greyvar GitHub Organisation


Greyvar is a casual pace multiplayer co-op puzzle game. Weird and wonderful worlds of puzzles that include quests, logic puzzles, tower defence, building, farming, and exploration in a 8-bit art style.

What are the latest updates?

There are some fairly ambitious plans for the future :) If you want to follow these updates and join in, there are is a Facebook page, a Discord server and a YouTube channel.

If you’re a GitHub-y kind of person (tech-y/code-y person), there is a GitHub Organisation page. That’s more if you want to follow with each line of code as it’s written. You weirdo.


How do I play the game?

Greyvar is currently in heavy development, there isn’t really much to “play” right now. Subscribe to updates above so you can play early versions.

Technically, as game is open source, and you can download the code and compile it yourself. However, instructions to do this aren’t provided because it’s not a good way to try the game.